Your Virtual Tee Time Assistant is Here
We are excited to announce the launch of our new tee time assistant!
Try it at to get a text and email when your desired tee time becomes available.
We know that looking for cancelations or calling and refreshing over and over to find your desired times isn’t fun, so with our new virtual tee time assistant – you will know right away when the time you want is available without needing to do anything. You can add desired playing preferences (time, dates, number of players) as far in advance as you would like – even all of 2025 in one go!
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Ladies Golf Lessons & Wine Tasting
Click below to view and print our
“Ladies Golf Lessons & Wine Tasting” flyer.

Interested In Golf Lessons?
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High Cedars Golf Academy Instructors
Scott Solomonson – PGA Professional, Director Of Instruction
Sara Griffin – PGA Professional
Chris Griffin – PGA Professional
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News and Updates from High Cedars
Men’s Club & Ladies Club
For more information about our Men’s Club, membership, and upcoming Men’s Club events, please visit: or email For more information about our Ladies Club, membership, and upcoming Ladies Club events please visit: or email
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