Ladies Club


Are you interested in making new friends and having some fun? Do you want to play golf at one of the finest facilities in the area? If you’ve played a little or a lot, or if you are just a beginner, there’s a place for you in the High Cedars Ladies’ Club. As a member, you will be entitled to the many benefits the ladies’ club has to offer. Benefits for joining High Cedars Ladies’ Club include:

  • Preferred tee times & Handicap GHIN
  • Wednesday night 9-hole competition
  • Weekly competition – Tuesday & Sat.

Ladies Club Board Members 2025

Captain / President: Diana Weston
Co-Captain: Nancy Baydo / Cathy Dompier
Secretary: Kristin Wulf
Treasurer: Jan Holt / Becky Wickham
Past President: Kathy Miller